NorthWind’s Design Team draws on extensive process experience and expertise to develop control system designs. Every system is designed with efficiency, maintainability, and safety in mind. All panels are designed to meet NEC standards with UL508A, UL698A, and CE certification upon request.
A control system design package by NorthWind includes panel layout drawings, process and instrumentation drawings (P&ID), field and panel I/O drawings, panel electrical schematics, and network connection drawings. Other great features of our design package include 3D panel layouts, device breakouts, and panel build interconnects.
Panel layout and design drawings
This aspect of design includes Process & Instrumentation (P&ID) Drawings, complete control panel layout drawings, Input/Output diagrams and other schematics that fully illustrate your controls project.
Process flow and instrumentation drawings
This phase of design lays out the “roadmap” for your project. Material flow, piping, major pieces of mechanical and electrical equipment and other items important to your process are illustrated and connections are shown. The NorthWind project team will select unit processes that are based on your criteria and that optimize the economic, regulatory, safety, and convenience conditions of your plant.
Our Automated Project Development process begins with electrical design and extends to panel build, HMI configuration, PLC programming, and all the way through control panel manufacturing.
This process has increased efficiencies across the company while also increasing quality.
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